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Inside “South America Series” Virtual Instrument Bundle

In this video David Guzmán S. (DΛVNOIS) Show us a composing session of his song “Andean Shadows” using only VST instruments from South America from the virtual instrument collection from “South America Series”. Hello, I am David Guzman, and today we are going to explore a composition session in which I used only virtual instruments from Tribe Instruments. This song was composed for the “South America Series” Bundle Trailer, and it’s called “Andean Shadows.”The first thing we are going to do is listen

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Artist Review: Andre Figueroa, Bolivian Folk Artist Reviews our Andean Percussion VST Sound Library

Andre Figueroa, a Bolivian folk artist, quickly explains how he used our Andean Percussion VST Sound Library to compose and produce his new song “Flor de Luto”. I want to show you the Plug-in I used for my new song “Flor de Luto”, For this song I used the Plug-in “Andean Percussion” from Tribe Instruments. My Song has a Specifically Andean Folk influence … So I wanted to accompany it with some traditional percussions that fit the style. I’m very happy to have found

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